Surface dwelling
Sabina Andron Sabina Andron

Surface dwelling

“It is in this sense that the surface can be read as an architecture. Not only is it constituted as a space in itself; it is a maker of space. Furthermore, the surface has the character of architecture in the crucial sense that it is not flat. This surface is…

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Walls within walls
Sabina Andron Sabina Andron

Walls within walls

Some surface areas are more special than others.

A wall nursing another wall.

Screens, interfaces, material evidence, architectural oddities.

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Hundertwasserhaus exterior walls
Sabina Andron Sabina Andron

Hundertwasserhaus exterior walls

Some of the outdoor walls of the Hundertwasserhaus, designed in the early 1980s under the direction of Austria's iconic architectural tourist brand person, Friedensreich Hundertwasser…

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