Property under litigation
Sabina Andron Sabina Andron

Property under litigation

Propriedad en litigio / Property under litigation

Publicly visible display of the ownership status of a building.

Surfaces show law.

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Surface jurisdictions
Sabina Andron Sabina Andron

Surface jurisdictions

A moment of claimed stability, where the paint on the wall mirrors its legal ownership, giving visible form to a contractual privilege.

// image from my upcoming book, Urban surfaces, graffiti, and the right to the city //

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No pissing
Sabina Andron Sabina Andron

No pissing

Attempts to regulate pissing in public through signage and built structures are wonderfully diverse in different cultures. These signs are indexes - so they tell us something about their environment. They are also a great hook for realising how every sign, mark, and bit of writing in urban space tells us something about…

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Surface lawscapes
Sabina Andron Sabina Andron

Surface lawscapes

One wall, two worlds. This is the boundary of the tolerated graffiti area in London’s biggest free painting spot, Leake Street. To the left of the image, the colourful section of wall is painted by multiple graffiti writers; to the right…

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